Marcelina Wellmer
Exploring symbiotic relations
What. Artist in Residence
When. June 2022
Where. Boden
Organizers. Havremagasinet and Resurscentrum för konst
Who. Marcelina Wellmer is an artist based in Berlin
Marcelina Wellmer graduate in video and drawing at the Fine Art Academy in Poznan/ Poland in 2000. She is a conceptual artist and photographer based in Berlin. She works with video, photography, objects and sound, exploring symbiotic relations between humans and interfaces of information, exchange and media, crossing the border from analog to digital and vice versa.
In the photography she is researching the strong influence of man on the landscape, the technological dependence and isolation in the industrial and digital world.
During her stay Marcelina will make drone recordings around Boden and Luleå; later they will be integrated in a surrealistic video work about industrial landscapes.
She will also take photos in natural parks in North Lappland for a future photo collages. The images will play with the instagram and social media aesthetics and those influence on our understanding regarding a beauty of a place.