Anne Marte Overaa
Exploring a moving town
What. Research residency
When. Juli/Augusti 2021
Where. Kiruna
Organizers. Konstfrämjandet Norrbotten and Resurscentrum för konst
Who. Anne Marte Overaa (1980, Ålesund, Norge)
Anne Marte Overaa (1980, Ålesund, Norge) have studied art at Listaháskólinn in Reykjavik, Malmö Art Academy and Royal institute of Art in Stockholm. She works crossdiciplinary with a range of different materials and expressions such as video, text, painting, public interventions, artist books and printmaking.
Recurrent content in her practise is everyday life and tristesse. High expectations and grandiose dreams as a comical contrast to a dull reality, disappointment and misunderstandings. In several works this residual waste of the psyche is heightened to something larger that unites us as human beings as in the videoinstallation “A study of oatmeal porridge” where burned porridge is the base for a videoinstallation that wants to gather spectators as people that sometimes do mistakes, and just dwell in this state together for a while. Another work is called “Places of Disinterest” and consists of a symbol and guided tours to non see-worthy places.
During her stay the artist will get to know the city and then start a new project, this is initiated by Maria Ragnestam at Konstfrämjandet Norrbotten. Within the frames of the project with worktitle “ På återseende” within a year Anne Marte Overaa will create a new work to be shown in old town Kiruna.
Stockholm as seen trough a wet t-shirt
© Anne Marte Overaa