Patterns of Norrbotten
What. Research residency
When. September-October 2024
Where. Haparanda
Organizers. HaparandAir, Resurscentrum för konst
Who. Hemmo Siponen artist (b. 1991 in Helsinki)
Hemmo Siponen’s current work is a hybrid of painting and erasure. He builds his watercolour paintings on canvases layer by layer and pattern by pattern, as an emergence-inducing practice. His finished paintings are the stained remains of what is left on the canvas after he rinses all loose paint off the surface of it. Recently, he’s been intrigued more widely by stains as traces of what has been, and visual displays and patterns found in nature as stains in time, and their connection to painting.
As Artist in Residence, Siponen will collect visual patterns of the Norrbottens nature during the autumn season, observing migratory birds and geological formations on local rocks. During his stay in Haparanda he will gather ideas and produce sketches for a body of work in the making, allowing unforeseeable properties for new paintings.
Hemmo Siponen (b.1991, Helsinki) is educated in Academy of Fine Arts Uniarts Helsinki (MFA), with a period of studies in Slade School of Art in London. Siponen has exhibited work at Schwarz Contemporary, Berlin (2022), and has had solo shows in Helsinki at HAM gallery (2020), gallery Sinne (2021), and tm-galleria (2023)